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70. Learning how to learn with Scott Young

Scott Young, author of the Wall Street Journal Best Seller, Ultralearning, joined Ivey Professor Eric Janssen to talk about the process of learning new things.


64. Improving your luck with brand guru Shane Skillen

Global Ivey Day Special - Entrepreneurial success can often hinge on luck. But what if you could improve your luck? What if you can bend the forces of fortune just enough? That’s exactly what Ivey HBA 2000 grad Shane Skillen was eager to share with our community of entrepreneurs.


61. Everyone's Nuts for Cheese with Margaret Coons

Most kitchen experiments end up as unedible dead ends. But every now and then something new captures a niche and graduates to grocery stores all across America. That is the story behind Margaret Coons, founder and CEO of Nuts for Cheese.


60. Branding BC's Biggest Little Brewery with Matt Phillips

Entrepreneurs often reflect their companies. That is definitely the case with Matt Phillips, founder of Phillips Brewing and Malting Co.!


Extras: Blue Truck, Red Truck, Blue Buck? The Story of Blue Buck Ale with Matt Phillips

With the new season of The Entrepreneur Podcast just around the corner, here's a story from our upcoming episode with Matt Phillips, Founder of Phillips Brewing & Malting Company, on the creation of their popular ale, Blue Buck.


55. Legends with Trent Kitsch of SAXX

Serial entrepreneur and founder of SAXX, Trent Kitsch, shares his journey of building a brand during his MBA and his ability to discover unique opportunities.


38. Being Comfortable in Your Own Shoes with Ben Varadi of Spin Master

Ben Varadi joins Eric Janssen, HBA ’09, MBA ’20, to share his fascinating journey from leaving university to helping create one of the biggest toy companies in the world, and the lessons learned along the way.


13. Building a product for yourself with Sarah Sklash of The June Mote‪l‬

For the first episode of 2020, Eric Janssen speaks to Sarah Sklash, HBA ’07, co-owner of The June Motel, a 16-room boutique motel in Prince Edward County.


9. Taking Hold of Opportunities with Matt Phillips of Phillips Brewing and Malting Co.

Matt Phillips is the founder and CEO of Phillips Brewing and Malting Co. in Victoria, British Columbia. After years of working for other brewers, Matt decided to start up his own brand as craft brewers across the industry were shutting shop in the early 2000s.