Accel Labs
Accel Labs is a community health focused incubator at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. Helping students build and scale up non-profit initiatives able to address the social determinants of health impacting marginalized communities in Southwestern Ontario.
Enactus Western
Enactus Western is a social entrepreneurship club that focuses on building businesses with purpose. Enactus, as a worldwide organization, committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives. Learn how to build a social enterprise and better your community.
Founders Network
Founders Network is a community of creatives and innovators. Wielding the forces of technology, entrepreneurship and business, our members convert long-term goals into practical and creative plans for action, through our educational, conferences, competitions, and more!
Hack Western
Hack Western is Western University's annual student-run hackathon, encouraging students to innovate, build and create amazing technologies. The competition is one of Canada’s largest annual student-run hackathons. This year, the competition will host over 700 students between November 19 to 21. Join for a weekend of learning, networking, and prizes.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Club
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club connects diverse student groups to pursue innovative entrepreneurial ideas together. Club members will be paired with one another to work on an innovative project throughout the school year. Learn how to bring an entrepreneurial idea to life, and grow your entrepreneurial network.
Ivey Entrepreneurship Club (HBA)
Ivey Entrepreneurship Club (IEC) is dedicated to fostering a world-class entrepreneurial culture at the Ivey Business School by instilling passion, creating a network of leaders, and giving our members everything they need to realize their dreams and change the world. Membership: Only open to HBA students. Events are open to all current students.
Ivey Sales Club
The Ivey Sales Club is the go-to club for skill development, networking, and sales recruitment at Ivey. While sales careers are diverse and fundamental to every business and industry, sales training is commonly underdeveloped and misunderstood. Join this club and learn the fundamentals of selling successfully.
Ivey MSc Entrepreneurship Club
IMEC aims to encourage Ivey MSc students to explore career options in the entrepreneurship sector by connecting members with founders, accelerators, venture capitalists, skill building workshops and a diverse array of other entrepreneurial resources and events. Find the “entrepreneur” with you.
MBA Entrepreneurship Club
Connecting Ivey Business School MBA students who share your passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. Membership: Only open to MBA students. Events are open to all current students.
W5 is a start-up for start-ups. We help aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to get their feet wet in the founders space. Whether it's providing resources to help kick-start their ideas, or provide them with opportunities to develop their skillset, we are always looking to improve and empower our community.
Western AI
Western AI (WAI) is the first student-led organization at Western that is aiming to create a community for Artificial Intelligence on campus, allowing for students to develop an understanding and appreciation of the global implications of AI in a wide variety of industries and economies.
Women in Tech Society
Our mission at the Women in Tech Society is to build a future for women+ in tech. We deliver a series of initiatives designed to inspire and equip women+ in tech with new skills and hands-on experience. We provide our community with access to educationals, mentorship and SheHacks.